by Pat
on Oct 20th, 2006

17 Days To Go…

…and after a lie in I felt good enough to go to work.

Here is the excitement that awaited me:

Work desk

(Yes, not much happened today)

Was quite a productive day (and short, of course, which is one bonus for feeling rotten). Can’t believe there’s now only 7 working days remaining! It’s quite exciting really, but scary when I think that I’ve got plenty of things to sort out before I leave a) work and b) the country.

I’m signing forms for my plane tickets tomorrow morning, alongside getting some US and Aussie dosh ordered at the post office, which is dull but necessary.

After that I’m having the slightly more enjoyable experience of going travel rucksack shopping in London with Neil from work (who’s also trundling around the world shortly (next week in fact!))… may not buy anything tomorrow but will be trying various ones on. I need to keep remembering that this is something I really want and thus not do my usual clothes shopping trick of “Yeah, this’ll do. Right, let’s go to pizza hut”. The second part of that might still happen, of course…

Then I’ll be trundling to Ealing to meet up with Pauly, Dave, Teej and co to watch and be utterly confused by Paranoia Agent… and eat pizza. Probably.

It’s going to be a healthy day tomorrow.

Tonight I’m just sitting around chilling out… I might have a pizza.



One Response to “17 Days To Go…”

  1. Paul Gon 02 Nov 2006 at 4:37 pm

    That’s *almost* as exciting as my desk… but not quite.