on Oct 27th, 2006
10 Days To Go…
…and as I write this the hangover has finally subsided. Not a particularly fun morning, although managed to get through with lots of tea and chocolate. This afternoon I managed to confuse my workmates and myself as I explained some rather unpleasant VBS and Windoze Batch Script code that I’d kinda forgotten about… the process wasn’t helped by us all being rather worse for wear.
Oh well, hopefully the conclusion of handover stuff on Monday will be a bit better… although given that I’m going out on Sunday night I suspect this may not be the case!!
Also, as he’s going to be on a training course during my last two days of work I’m not going to be seeing Gib at work ever again (er, apart from when I come back. Yes).
I’ll be meeting up with him next week but still, it’s a little strange, even sad… Gib was also feeling the sadness * when I took a photo of him:
* “sadness” may be “eagerness to get away from Pat taking stupid photos”
Tonight I’m going to be going to Rob(a.k.a. The Baron)’s house with some of the other FBL gang to watch some Mighty Boosh, eat pizza and have a few drinks.
Hangover? What hangover?
Til tomorrow…