by Pat
on Aug 24th, 2009

First Day Of The New Hours

Today marked the first day of doing my new hours, which go along the lines as follows:

Monday – Thursday: 08:15 – 18:30
Friday: 08:15 – 18:00

Fairly long hours (if you’re not a city worker), but what sucks is I don’t get paid any extra for it.

There is one minor bonus though: I no longer work on Wednesdays :-)

Yep, finally it’s here and I can now dedicate one day a week purely to my art, radio and other projects. Looking forward to getting some great stuff done. It also means that I can dedicate other evenings to just chilling out – and watching such things as Pitch Black. What a film.

Finally, I must say the following: COME ON ENGLAND. What a day of cricket yesterday was. I really wish I was travelling back in Oz again now :-)

Anyways, I’m off. Got an early night to have as it’s the first day back the gym tomorrow. God knows I need it.



Feeling: Tired and a teeny bit hungover
Song in Head: Elbow – Mirrorball

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