by Pat
on Sep 6th, 2009

7 Blogs in One Day – 1

Hello you!

Oh dear, looks like I’ve been slacker than Alan Slacker from Slacksville in Slackshire on Slack Island. Time goes too quickly and, I’ll be honest, I kept thinking about doing a blog post and then thought “Nah, I’ll just watch telly”.

They call me Pat “The Dedication” Scullion. :-)

To make up for it, I’m gonna do 7 blog entries in one day. This is in preparation for the Kilimanjaro climb in 2010. This is my mountain for 2009.

Get ready, because this is about to get crazy. Particularly if you’re reading this on Facebook (via my imported notes. Yes, that’s right, this is actually written on, fact fans!).

Here goes blog 1:

The Anniversary

My god, has it really been 2 years? On the 3rd of September 2007, I finally ended my career break – having been all around Oz and New Zealand, seen and done so many things and met so many wonderful people (many of whom I’m proud to still know!) – and came back to my work.

Since then it’s been a roller coaster ride, as you’ll understand if you also have an office job. I’m not gonna complain, as it’s a good job, but the variety in the daily grind isn’t quite as impressive as a 2 week tour meeting new people, sand boarding, sky diving, kayaking, glacier hiking, black water rafting (check it out)…

So in what seems like a blink of an eye, I’m nearly 30. Yipes. Better get some blogs in whilst my blog site header (“The Ramblings of a Late 20s bloke…”) is still accurate!

Speaking of which, time to write the next one…


Feeling: A bit Hungover
Song in Head: Calvin Harris – Ready for the Weekend

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