on Sep 6th, 2009
7 Blogs in One Day – 5
How To Be An Explorer Of The World
My mate Jess showed me a book last weekend, which really fired of some sparks of imagination in my otherwise fairly uncreative-of-late mind, and I subsequently bought it. It’s bloody excellent, and it goes by the name (as you may possibly guess with the, ironically, not that creative-sounding title above):
How To Be An Explorer Of The World
If you’re inclined to be creative then I recommend getting this. It encourages you to look at the world in a different way, really pay attention to things and look at the world as a young child might.
As a result, a mere 15 minutes of reading it has given me creative ideas that I’ve not had since I was about 12. This could be The Thing ™ that helps me finally fight the Motivation Block ™ that’s been getting in my way for the past while.
Definitely something I’ll be using on future Pat’s Creative Wednesdays ™!
Feeling: Groovy, ta. And still a tiny bit hungover
Song in head: High School Musical – All In This Together (DAMN YOU X FACTOR, you may have finished but you’ve left me with a musical STD