by Pat
on Jul 6th, 2009
on Jul 6th, 2009
Giving Up Alcohol
This is something that comes around once in a blue moon for me: a point where I’ve basically had enough with alcohol – the good points associated with it are eclipsed by the bad ones.
- I’ve gotta do something about my steamrollering into looking like the, uh, big boned Scottish gentlemen played by Mike Myers (no, not Shrek – the other Scottish gent Myers has played. I’m not concerned about my skin being green. That’s fine). Cutting alcohol out is going to be a major step for that.
- I’m sick of feeling crappy for at least a day after a big sesh
- I haven’t got the willpower to “only have a couple”
- I don’t like not being able to remember what I’ve said or done the night before
So, this is day 1. Well, day 2 I guess, but yesterday I was majorly hungover, so I’d argue it doesn’t really count.
Here goes (drinking) nothing!
Mood: Fed up with life, but hopeful
Song In Head: [nothing]