on Jul 11th, 2009
“It’s All Fun And Games, Until…”
Afternoon you!
How’re you today? Really? Well, it is the weekend I suppose. Me? Yeah not bad thanks. Looking forward to the BBQ this afternoon at Gary and Sarah’s house in Colchester. Gonna be a challenge for me to get through without any alcohol, as there’s a lot of it here for the guests and, well, this is the first Saturday without alcohol for me. Here goes nothing.
Something that Mr James Barry “off of work” showed me yesterday is truly awesome. A bit shocking, but awesome. Watch this:
It’s hard to watch it the second time. But still ace. Awesome work from these guys!
Right, I’m off to drink some… soft drinks. Blimey.
Days without Alcohol: 7
Feeling: Pretty good actually, following not waking up til 11:45am… and having NO hangover (hope you can say the same, Jimbo ;-) )
Song in Head: Doves – Kingdom of Rust