by Pat
on Jul 16th, 2009

If I Could Sleep Forever…

then it’s of her I’d dream.then I’d probably still feel tired.

Yup, despite my attempts to get some decent sleep last night (having actually felt reasonably happy yesterday following some decent kip (shock!)) and heading to bed before 10pm, I was still awake at some point after 12am.

This put me into the worst of moods to start with, as I was intending to get up early to go to the gym – and that didn’t happen.

Ironically, aside from the “constantly thinking about things”, the lack of exercise may be making it hard to sleep, as my body’s not healthy and my blood pressure’s quite high… hopefully, *hopefully* I can muster the enthusiasm to do some stuff on my exercise bike later on / over the weekend.

Irony time again though: when I’m tired, I can’t be assed to exercise (or do anything else for that matter).

Maybe it’s time to get back on the beer. At least I can sleep easily after a few beers. Sniff… sniff… is that irony I smell again?


days without alcohol: 12
Feeling: Shattered and thus irritable and low
Song in head: Leftfield – Original

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