on May 20th, 2010
In The Position To Comment?
We ask Squage whether he agrees the new Olympic mascots are a little unusual…
We ask Squage whether he agrees the new Olympic mascots are a little unusual…
Draw some odd stuff!
…hmm. *checks self* Only seems to make me feel better while I’m doing it. I’m going back to bed.
Ok, today’s daily doodle is a 65 second drawing of a sunset behind a city on the coast:
Today, I mostly feel ill. Which is nice.
Hello you!
Well, it’s been a looong time since I’ve blogged, and I’m thinking it’d also be nice to be creative rather a bit more. So… from this day forth, until I get bored with it in the distant future *, I’m going to be doing a Daily Doodle for you to enjoy! Or, at least, look at. Or glance at. Or… well, you get the idea.
They’ll usually be very sketchy, often done in about 30 seconds, but hopefully by the end of the year I’ll have a shed load of piccies to be able to look back through and say “Ooh, that’s a nice idea!” when I’m in desperate need of inspiration :-)
Here’s the first one, of a cartoon dude who’s dreaming of love and freedom. Or has something really odd in his eyes:
Bloke With Something In His Eyes
* I.e. next week, probably :)
So, finally… after a long time of having just a “Nothing to see here at the moment” sign on it, I’ve put some of my artwork on my more professional website:
Pat Scullion Dot Co Dot You Kay
Expect the portfolio to expand dramatically this year!
(Thanks Rich for the info :) )
Feeling: Tired, grumpy and ill
Song in Head: The Lonely Island – Dick in a Box. It’s so damned romantic.
Three years ago today I was on a plane to New York. I was both excited and scared. I had no idea what I was going to expect from the next year of travelling, whether I could cope with hostels, if I’d make any friends or travel alone, and what on Earth I’d learn from the experience.
It seems like a decade ago.
Let’s take a look back at a blog from just before I set off:
“I’ve been feeling a strange mixture of massive excitement, a bit of sadness and a little fear.
It’s really odd not knowing what’s coming. This is so much bigger than anything I’ve ever done and so it’s really difficult to contemplate. I mean: I’m not coming back to England for A YEAR.
That’s insane.
What’s great though is that I know this is the right thing to do. Where I was in my life wasn’t where I wanted to be and I’ve felt like I’ve been treading water for years now… so this is me doing something about it.”
In some ways I feel sadness when I look back at this. I would love to be back there now ready to do it all all over again. Also, being 26 would be quite nice :-)
In other ways, though, I’m just really happy. Happy that I had the guts to do it, happy that I met so many ace people and happy that I am now able to use my experiences in travelling to help me with stories for an upcoming project, which I hope will take me on some all new exciting adventures. More about that in future, I’m sure.
But for now, best get back to work as my lunchbreak’s almost over.
Happy Anniversary, Squage!
Feeling: Sad and happy all at once. Sappy, you could say. Ah.
Song in Head: The Postal Service – Such Great Heights (Wooh another great thing about travelling is that Kate, who I met in New Zealand, introduced me to this band. Wooh!)
What could be better than a Windows 7 Party *? Why – a Windows 7 Torrent Party!
I’m really quite surprised and impressed that someone’s managed to come up with something around this that actually made me laugh.
Anyway, back to seeding and reseeding an incomplete copy of a Radiohead album…
Feeling: Amused, and excited about seeing the Doves with a choir tonight!
Song in Head: Various Doves tunes keep floating around :-)
(* Please don’t feed me suggestions, I’ve only got a 6GB inbox)
Ths blg I ws tld bout by @Glinner on Twttr lol:
The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks
(Yep, I’m now actually using Twitter and it can be quite entertaining. Sad thing is, I get addicted to these sort of things in that if you leave Twitter alone for even an hour you get the feeling you’re missing out on things, even though everything you’ve missed probably doesn’t matter that much. It’s my new World of Warcraft, in that respect.)
Right, on with some project work!
Feeling: Less tired than yesterday, thank god
Song in Head: Mazzy Star – Fade Into You