by Pat
on Aug 10th, 2009

To Make Up For A Nerdy Post…

…here’s a video of the tallest roller coaster in the world, Kingda Ka:

In The Front Row

Oh and another one…

Checking the brakes

Scared of heights? If so, then that second video is, in the words of Garth Marenghi, a chilling future-shock that’ll shit you up. Possibly not so much of the “future-shock” though.



by Pat
on Aug 10th, 2009

Ubuntu and Open Office


I’ve forgotten to write a blog entry, what with sorting out some other bits on this here laptop this evening. So… er… let’s talk about what I’ve been using to sort things out:

Specifically, I’ve been using Open Office in Ubuntu to write a couple of documents, and I must say that it’s pretty damned good. There are some “quirks” with bullet points in Open Office, but overall I’ve now found that – aside from Audio Editing (anyone who’s tried using Audacity will know what I mean) – Ubuntu/Linux does the job perfectly for everything you need.

I think the last time I booted into Windows on my laptop was June. I use this almost every day. That’s quite something. Yay Ubuntu!

Now, if someone can try and make a decent multi-track audio editor for Linux that’d be much appreciated, ta.



Feeling: Pretty good (having ticked some stuff off his task list tonight)
Song in Head: The words of Ben Goldacre ringing in my head – awesome stuff from him on last week’s Now Show

by Pat
on Aug 9th, 2009

Radio 1 – With Sure For Women

Ah wonderful, it’s time again for a Tory spokesperson to say that Radio 1 should be sold off by the BBC to the highest bidder.


This time it’s Ed Vaizey, shadow minister for broadcasting.

So, Mr Vaizey, let’s list your points justifying the sell off:

1) It’s a youth station, yet the median age is those listening in their thirties
2) It’s unfair that the BBC gets 5 national FM frequencies and the Commercial Industry only gets one

Firstly, to point 1: really? Where’s the evidence? And are you, as usual, just cherrypicking from Moyles’ listeners?

Secondly, point 2:

  • So the only way to address the balance is to sell off R1? You’re telling me there’s no opportunity for a reshuffle of FM frequencies in order to fit one – or two – new national commercial FM stations in?
  • FM is a dying medium, at least that’s the plan. In the next 10 years, DAB(/DAB+), which features a national Commercial multiplex, will have a much higher penetration – and I predict Internet Radio will also be commonplace in homes, cars and offices. So what’s the long term benefit of more national commercial FM licenses anyway?

To be fair, I think it’s awful that commercial radio only gets 1 FM frequency. Why? Because it’s lead to the quasi-nationalisation of our location commercial stations. But we’re about 20 years too late to do anything about it, Mr Vaisey.

Also, if R1’s targetting is off the mark as much as you say, surely this can be addressed by the BBC?

And finally, a clarification:

You want a popular, refreshing, varied service that by-and-large provides a public service through the exposure of brand new music from a myriad of genres that commercial broadcasters couldn’t do (as niche music shows don’t bring in the cash, alas), coupled with decent (by-and-large) presenters and – oh yes – no ads, with… Heart?

No offense Ed, but you’re a bloody idiot.


Feeling: A teeny bit hungover
Song in Head: Weebl & Bob – Take On Me

by Pat
on Aug 7th, 2009

Oops! Few Days Without Blogs

So let’s make up for it with some exciting update action:

This week I’ve actually been using the exercise bike, which is ace – 4 times in the past four days, no less. I’m reading Ben Goldacre’s essential Bad Science book, and through doing so the time on the bike flies past. I think I’ve found my “thing” to get back into the world of exercise. Winner!

Rich and I (well, mainly Rich to be honest :) ) have been looking at hotels for our trip to Thailand/Cambodia/’Nam next year, which is exciting. Excitingly, we’ve now booked! Admittedly, the hotel booked so far is the Holiday Inn at Gatwick.

But it’s a start, right?

What else? Well, my working hours have been all over the shop this week due to system launches (which by and large have gone well) and as a result of that I’ve been a bit spaced out this week. Couple that with some not-feeling-particularly-well for a fair amount of it, and some general stressing at work, it’s been a tough one. Got some stuff to sort out next week, but should be a better week at any rate.

No Radio Squage this weekend, in fact not until September, as I want to spend my free time a) relaxing, b) enjoying myself or c) doing something productive. Alas, of late Radio Squage isn’t fitting into any of those. So a bit of rethinking how it all works is going to be done, and hopefully it’ll come back stronger and more sustainable as a result.

Instead, this weekend’s gonna be chilling massively, which I can’t wait for. Hell, what am I saying? I’m enjoying it already. Might phone the guys and head down the pub.



Feeling: Stressed, but unwinding
Song in Head: Whatever it is that Vernon Kay’s playing on Radio 1 at the mo

by Pat
on Aug 4th, 2009

Fed Up

I’m fed up. Can I win the lottery please?



Feeling: Esctati… no, wait: fed up.
Bucks Fizz – Making Your Mind Up (no idea. Literally no idea.)

by Pat
on Aug 2nd, 2009

Oh For Fuck’s Sake


Feeling: Still a bit ill, and now annoyed too
Song in Head: Lots, as I’m playlisting Squage Party at the mo…

by Pat
on Aug 1st, 2009

Some Amusing David Firth Work

Now, you’ve probably seen this already as I suspect it’s been around for most of the year (given its title), however I’ve only just stumbled across it whilst idly looking around Psychoville stuff on BBC online.

It’s some more amusing stuff from David Firth:

Musical Predictions 2009

“What do you want to hear repeatedly on the radio this year?”
“Something that sounds like the music I already listen to but with different words”


Feeling: Bit ill, boooo
Song in Head: Bruce Hornsby & The Range – The Way It Is

by Pat
on Jul 31st, 2009

Facebook Stalker Check


Or, at least, find out who has been posting things to you, and in general interacting with you. Oh, and only those people on your friends list.

Wow. That’s quite an amazing thing. A bit like having “notifications” system within the site itself coupled with a memory.

A Stalker Check Review I Found On Google

Why’m I posting this? Mainly as I’ve seen a few people posting links to StalkerCheck itself. And I immediately thought “Oh, really? Can it really do what it’s not-saying-but-certainly-alluding-to?”. Turns out the answer is: not really, no.

What is slightly concerning is that if you install the app you can view who interacts most with your friends *. So, you can basically… oh what’s the word for it? Is it… monitor? No… check? No. Ah yes, I’ve got it: stalk. Your friends. How lovely.

They should really drop the word “Check” from the application name.


* I wonder if it gets around “limited profiles” et al?

Feeling: tired
Song in Head: Eva Cassidy – Songbird

by Pat
on Jul 28th, 2009

First Day Back At Work

Ok, so I was off for two days longer than a weekend (that’s a big four, maths fans!), but it still felt odd coming back. I was just getting used to not being there.

Apparently there’s some “earning money” thing I need to be doing, so I decided I’d best stay at work all day. Not a bad day actually – lots going on but hey, that’s normal. What was unusual was that the canteen at work actually made some nice food today!

At this point you’d maybe expect some witty comment about the food, but if so then you’re clearly not a regular reader of this. No, instead I’m going to go ahead and talk about something totally different: Squage Christmas Cards! The reason being? I’ve just doodled a couple of extra pictures – these ones are snowmen related:

Clearly not much time spent on them, and not much to them really, but they’re actually surprisingly good. Not the pictures; the veggie “toad in the hole” with new potatoes I had at work. KER-POW! Still got it.

Despite the pills.

Haw haw haw haw! I’ve still got it DESPITE THE PILLS! Haw haw haw haw! Do you see? And another thing, what is it with you people? You take some food, and make it your own. You take an egg, put some breadcrumbs on it and call it Scotch Egg! HAW HAW HAW HABLOG ENTRY ABANDONED

Feeling: Good
Song in Head: Whatever’s on 6 Music right now (22:34). Evenings on 6 Music are bloody lovely to work / draw to.

by Pat
on Jul 27th, 2009

Squage Christmas Card

Well, tis that time of year to be getting out the mince pies, pulling a cracker * and watching a whole load of festive films.

Oh no, wait, it’s July. But that hasn’t stopped me from – for the first time ever – actually getting off my ass (not literally. I was sitting as I drew this) and designing a Squage Christmas Card:

Squage Carol Singers Christmas Card Mock-Up

It’s one of about 5 designs I’m planning to do, and will be digitally cleaning that up / adding colour etc at some point soon. Thanks to Sissel Anita (check out her awesome work!) for kicking me up the ass into doing it :-)

Also, I’ve been making progress on the Pat and Squage’s Big Adventure comic book that may or may not ever get made… it’s quite fun writing ideas down – once you start thinking about story ideas, loads and loads of other thoughts get into your head. It’s lucky I can type quickly.

Anyway, yes, enough rambling. Oh and I know this is a second post for Monday – but, as with the post t’other day, let’s pretend this one was for yesterday. In which case, I’m looking forward to drawing a Christmas card tomorrow. I think it’ll feature Squage and a friend singing carols… and so on :)

(* Oh crap, the line “By the looks of you darlin’ I think I already have… geddit?” has now appeared in my head… and, yes, the inevitable Song in Head is to follow. Gah!)


Feeling: Good
Song in Head: Mel & Kim – Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree. In fecking JULY.

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