by Pat
on Jul 18th, 2009

Ah, Well…

Days without alcohol: 0.

Yep. Last night I had about 3 pints of alcohol. I say “about three”, as I didn’t finish two of them.

I went out for Trudy’s birthday drinks and curry, and alas due to a combination of not really remembering why I was not drinking combined with having beers literally put under my nose (ya bastards :) ), I thought about things and decided “Sod it”. So I had a couple of beers.

And you know what? I genuinely didn’t think too much of them. Maybe it was cos I’d already had three pints of diet coke, or maybe it’s cos the beer in the pub was a bit dodgy (although the Cobra in the curry house was bottled and surely fine), but I didn’t actually enjoy the taste, really.

Still, that’s that done now. But I’ve realised that I need to cut down on beer, and that’s what I’m going to do. For example, I’m being “desi” today at Rob’s birthday party, so won’t be drinking. And I think that’s a service I’m going to offer more often.

So, today’s a sad day in some ways, but a good one in others as I’ve stopped essentially punishing myself for reasons I’d forgotten.

Now, to get some exercise and eat properly. My blood pressure’s higher than Kilimanjaro at the mo, and it’s actually making sleep difficult. Erk!

Toodles for now!


Days without alcoho… ah, forget it!
Feeling: Okish.
Song in head: Toto – Africa. I blame referring to Kilimanjaro.

by Pat
on Jul 17th, 2009

Thank You, Elisabeth

Sorry Regina Spektor, I may need to ask this lady to marry me instead.

Yes. I’m still a tiny bit bitter about the radio industry. :)

by Pat
on Jul 17th, 2009


And to celebrate, I’m going to the pub.

To drink… diet cola. FML ;-)

Happy Weekend Everyone!!


Days without alcohol: 13
Feeling: Happy
Song in Head: Scouting for Girls – She’s So Lovely (SOMEONEKILLME)

by Pat
on Jul 16th, 2009

If I Could Sleep Forever…

then it’s of her I’d dream.then I’d probably still feel tired.

Yup, despite my attempts to get some decent sleep last night (having actually felt reasonably happy yesterday following some decent kip (shock!)) and heading to bed before 10pm, I was still awake at some point after 12am.

This put me into the worst of moods to start with, as I was intending to get up early to go to the gym – and that didn’t happen.

Ironically, aside from the “constantly thinking about things”, the lack of exercise may be making it hard to sleep, as my body’s not healthy and my blood pressure’s quite high… hopefully, *hopefully* I can muster the enthusiasm to do some stuff on my exercise bike later on / over the weekend.

Irony time again though: when I’m tired, I can’t be assed to exercise (or do anything else for that matter).

Maybe it’s time to get back on the beer. At least I can sleep easily after a few beers. Sniff… sniff… is that irony I smell again?


days without alcohol: 12
Feeling: Shattered and thus irritable and low
Song in head: Leftfield – Original

Well Now You Can!

Just make sure you remove the following line from your hosts file:

This is assuming you’ve modified your hosts file on your Windows box to point all the domain names for irritating ad servers (hello!) to localhost. You have, right?

If you’ve not, or have no idea what the hell I’m talking about, you need to get yourself over to’s Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts File page. Follow the instructions on there for happy browsing.

Oh, and install Adblock Plus just to help speed things up further.





by Pat
on Jul 15th, 2009

I Am The Person!

Hello hello!

Hot on the heels of the awesome Garfield Minus Garfield, another Sarcastic Orange Cat-related website has sprung up into my conciousness (again via the impressive Great Website Locatorotron that Sarah Schloo has on her person (thanks Sarah!)):

Garfield Lost In Translation

This is, as you might guess, a site dedicated to Garfield cartoons, which have been translated into Japanese and back into English.

Happening, it does not go.



I am the person!

Days without alcohol: 11
Feeling: Quite good actually, must’ve been the lie in I had this morning (huzzah for half days!)
Song in head: Nowt. My head’s full of as much musical content as a Daphne and Celeste album… oh… oh god… oh crap… Updated song in head: Daphne and Celeste – Ooh Stick You. FML. :-)

by Pat
on Jul 14th, 2009

Working Late Sucks, BUT…

…it can be made better.

It’s 22:20 right now. That sucks.

However, listening to DJ Kutski on Radio 1 (recorded, he’s on on Friday night/Sat morning at 1am) makes things much better. If you like hard trance, and hardcore, you’ve gotta get your ears around some of this dude. Look for Kutski on iPlayer…

Also, what makes things easier is the occasional break to laugh with the brilliance of Mr Charlie Brooker:

What a legend.

Right, back to doing bits and pieces… woot.


Days without alcohol: 10
Feeling: Shattered, but amused and wanting to go out clubbing
Song in head: hard to keep anything in with this wall of dance sound in my face

by Pat
on Jul 13th, 2009

Bump On The Head

Yesterday, whilst packing away some bits in the under stairs cupboard, I bumped my head on the low ceiling. It hurt, I think it’s fair to say, in a style akin to that of an illegitimate child. However, I figured that no real harm was done.

Today I’m not so sure. Today, I’ve managed to:

  • Add 80 to 50 to get 140
  • Get pole dancing and podium dancing mixed up (bit of a faux pas when talking to someone about their podium dancing)
  • Indicate early to turn into my cul-de-sac, as there was a cat in the road
  • Watch over 15 minutes of Michael Macintyre without throwing up or punching someone.

The last one was only achieved by doing occasional impressions of the “Filmed infront of a live ostrich” ostrich from that Family Guy episode.

If you know what I’m talking about, you’ll see how that helped. Oh, and I was with other people. I don’t do impressions of ostriches when on my own. At least, not today. Maybe that’ll be tomorrow’s clue that I’m diving towards insanity.

Still, at least my short term memory’s not been affected. That, and the fact that my shor… and so on. I can’t quite bring myself to do that one :-)

Have a good evening, you!


Days without alcohol: 9
Feeling: Amused, tired and a bit sore on the bonce still
Song in head: This song (having watched Kill Bill tonight at Rob’s)

by Pat
on Jul 12th, 2009

Ah, the Irony

Ah, wow. After a bad night’s sleep I’m in the parfect frame of mind to understand exactly what being totally shattered does to me, my mood, my feelings of being able to do anything with life, etc.

I could therefore write something good about this at this point, maybe write some kinda clever song lyrics about it- and how it all drives procrastination/stagnation etc.

But I’m too tired to articulate it.



Days without Alcohol: 8
Feeling: Shattered (should’ve brought cushions onto floor to sleep last night) and wishing he could just press “stop” on things and take a break for 3 months
Song In Head: n/a

by Pat
on Jul 11th, 2009

“It’s All Fun And Games, Until…”

Afternoon you!

How’re you today? Really? Well, it is the weekend I suppose. Me? Yeah not bad thanks. Looking forward to the BBQ this afternoon at Gary and Sarah’s house in Colchester. Gonna be a challenge for me to get through without any alcohol, as there’s a lot of it here for the guests and, well, this is the first Saturday without alcohol for me. Here goes nothing.

Something that Mr James Barry “off of work” showed me yesterday is truly awesome. A bit shocking, but awesome. Watch this:


It’s hard to watch it the second time. But still ace. Awesome work from these guys!

Right, I’m off to drink some… soft drinks. Blimey.



Days without Alcohol: 7
Feeling: Pretty good actually, following not waking up til 11:45am… and having NO hangover (hope you can say the same, Jimbo ;-) )
Song in Head: Doves – Kingdom of Rust

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